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Scale Smart

Propel YOUR Business Forward

Date: March 12, 2025
Time: 9:00am -11:00am
          *Doors open at 8:30am

Place: 700 Saturn Parkway
           Columbia, SC 29212 
Decorative Concrete Structure
You're ready to scale.
Be smart about it.

Join us for an interactive workshop where you'll uncover key HR and marketing strategies that can accelerate your growth. Whether you're a new business owner or a seasoned pro, this event will help you identify common pitfalls and prioritize the solutions.


When we're done, you'll stop putting yourself at risk and leaving money on the table. â€‹

Attend the Scaling Smart Workshop to ensure you have the marketing and HR base needed to support your growth in 2025.

You’ll walk away with 3-5 actionable strategies in each of these areas:

Things to do

What messaging mistakes are holding you back? We’ll explore the common mistakes and devise your plan of action. 

Things to Grow
Your Business

Are you in compliance? Fines and violations are real concerns. We’ll share the minimum requirements and provide actionable solutions.

Things Successful
Businesses Do

Is your business ready to grow? Is your website ready? Do you have the processes in place to sustain your business? We’ll reveal the pieces you must have in place before you spend more money on personnel or marketing.

Event Timeline
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

8:45-9:00- Grab coffee and snacks


9:00-9:25 What are you missing? 

  • Marketing Mistakes Revealed

  • You can’t ignore COMPLIANCE


9:25-9:40 Workshop Time- use our prompts to make a plan. 


9:40-10:00 What do you need to grow? 

  • Don’t spend money on marketing until you have these key pieces.

  • You don’t need another employee or software. 


10:05-10:20 Workshop Time- use our prompts to make a plan. 


10:25-10:40 What will happen next?

  • Make your brand genuine and enjoy the spoils of your labor. 

  • Leverage your people at a new level. 


10:45-11:00 Questions and Next Steps


  • Do I have to invite a guest?
    No, we just want to show our appreciation to you as a valued client. However, the more the merrier. Please don’t stress about inviting someone if no one comes to mind. You can choose your date now and text us later if you add a guest.
  • Will you send reminders?
    Yes, we’ll send an email confirmation and reminder.
  • What will we be doing?
    We will sample wines and enjoy pairings in this 1- 1.5 hour event. We will also share about our businesses and get to know others.
  • How long will the event last?
    The event will be 90 minutes or less.
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